Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, I went to Chicago for Valentines day. I'd never been before, and I had huge expectations. I've kind of had an obsession with skylines my whole life. I like to stare at them; watch them go by. I've always been that way, and it was especially evident in Chicago. I was in such a great mood walking around, being amongst the skyscrapers I'd scene in pictures my whole life.

One scene was just perfect, on Michigan Avenue looking south over the river. It was immense. The buildings were huge, and the air was thick and bright. I snapped a picture and knew I would paint it once I got home. It took me a long time to paint, probably 10 to 12 hours total over the coarse of a week. There's a lot of detail, a lot of making sure your brush is in just the right spot. But I suppose I'm happy with the result, though it's not quite a reflection of what I was seeing in my head. 16x20